Tuesday 27 April 2010

Kairye Seeker

To start off this minature sculpting blog (to anyone who's actually reading: Hello...!) I'm uploading a picture of a current work in progress (also my first miniature sculpted completely from scratch).

The scale is about equivalent to 25mm wargames (e.g. GW games etc) and the material is Kneadite/Green stuff over a garden wire armature. The character depicted is an old fantasy RPG character portrayed by my friend Erika Hoffman (prolific artist and designer who's eventually going to make a living in a the creative world were most of us will always be but enthusiastic dilettantes *hats off*) after an illustration done by her. This sculpt is a project I've been at on and off for a long time, what with university life and so on taking its toll.

More pics when I've sculpted proper details on her.

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