Thursday 2 December 2010

Some WIPs

So, once again I haven't uploaded anything to this blog in a while, but here are two projects. The first is a complete sculpt with greystuff and greenstuff meant to represent a dark eldar archon (GW's game system, my original model). I was just unhappy with GW's archon model because A) there is no female version, and I wanted my evil forces to be led by a woman for a change, and B) he looks terribly static which I think is unsuitable for such a combat oriented character. The second mini is a haemonculus made with spare parts (including some graciously donated by a friend of mine); the interesting bit is the hump on his back containing internal organs and sprouting extra limbs. Creepy little bastard.

They still need some more detailing, after which they'll be painted.

Merry Christmas (or whatever you're celebrating this time of year), since I can't promise that nothing more will get done before the season's upon us.