Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Space Marine Librarian conversion

Some slightly grainy pics of a space marine librarian (a psyker from GW's game Warhammer 40,000, popularly referred to as 40k) that I sculpted details on this past weekend.

Mostly for 40k players: I used parts from several GW kits (including the Space Wolf Pack, Dark Angels Ravenwing, Command Squad and Tactical Squad kits). The conversion is really simple to do and I finished the posing and making the armature for the 'skull fireball' probably in less than half an hour, and I am slow. Some of the parts were old leftovers from other projects, hence the coats of paint present on notably the backpack and the spell casting hand. The staff started life as a plastic toothpick. These are by the way great for any kind of weapon shafts and staffs and I always keep a bunch laying around so I'm not shafted when in need (yes, that was a bad pun - so drown me!).

On the sculpting side the most challenging part was making the robes look like actual cloth and flow like caught in a draft. I imagine him standing in a creepy breeze while performing his sorcery.

The arcane spiral pattern on his staff also was no picnic to get looking smooth while still keeping some definition. I ended up going for the feeling of carved wood (most GW librarian models have arcane patterns sculpted onto their armaments rather than carved into them, but I like how the effect turned out). I'm curious as to how it will end up when properly painted...

More pics when I've had time to paint it...

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